Emerson offers free online training on wireless technologies
Emerson’s PlantWeb University broadens its Internet Engineering School with 19 new courses about using wireless technology in process automation.
AUSTIN, TEXAS,January 17, 2006 – Emerson Process Management is offering 19 new online training courses on various aspects of wireless for process automation. Designed for anyone who uses automation to improve plant performance, the new courses are available free through Emerson’s educational website. Five more courses will be available soon, and all 24 courses will later be translated into Spanish and Chinese.
“Wireless is the next major development in process automation,” said Jane Lansing, vice president of marketing for Emerson Process Management, “but most automation users have little experience with this technology in process applications. The new PlantWeb University courses will help them understand the basics of wireless technology, what it can do for them, and how they can put it to work in their own operations.”
艾默生過程管理營銷副總裁ane Lansing表示:“無線技術是過程自動化下一個主要發展的技術,但大多數自動化用戶在過程應用中對此技術的體驗極少。PlantWeb大學的這些新課程將這些用戶了解無線技術的基礎知識,無線技術可以為人們做什么以及人們如何在實際操作中使用無線技術為其服務。”
Based on Emerson’s experience in implementing its Smart Wireless solutions for customers, the courses are practical, concise, and free of marketing hype. Each can be completed in about 15 minutes and is available at no charge to anyone with an Internet connection anywhere in the world. Subject matter includes: what is wireless, wireless standards, wireless myths, self-organizing networks, and wireless applications.
基于艾默生為客戶實施其智能無線(Smart Wireless)解決方案所積累的經驗,這些課程實用,簡明,而且是免費的營銷宣傳。每一門課程大約只需要15分鐘可以完成,在世界的任何一個只需要有互聯網連接的地方舊可以獲得,無需任何費用??颇績热莅ǎ菏裁词菬o線,無線標準,無線奧秘,自組網絡以及無線應用。
Field-proven wireless networks engage seamlessly with existing DeltaV and Ovation digital automation systems or legacy hosts. Many Emerson smart field devices are already compatible with wireless, including Rosemount 3051S level, pressure, and flow transmitters; the Rosemount 648 wireless temperature transmitter; Emerson 1420 wireless gateway; and the AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager. Development is under way to expand this wireless family with FIELDVUE digital valve controllers, Micro Motion Coriolis flowmeters, and Rosemount analytical products.
已通過現場驗證的無線網絡可以與現有的DeltaV 和Ovation數字自動化系統或者舊主機實現無縫配合。艾默生的許多智能現場設備已經兼容無線技術,包括Rosemount 3051S物位、壓力、和流量變送器;Rosemount 648無線溫度變送器;Emerson 1420無線網關,以及AMS套件:智能設備管理器。正在添加開發中的無線家族產品還有FIELDVUE數字閥門控制器,Micro Motion科氏流量計,以及Rosemount 分析產品。
Established in 2002, PlantWeb University offers its 40,000 registered users more than 75 online courses as well as a library of articles and white papers. The easy-to-understand courses address subjects that affect all process industry operations, including operating efficiency, product quality, throughput, asset management, availability, maintenance, employee health, safety, fieldbus technology, and now wireless technology.
More than 70 percent of users surveyed rated the training as “highly credible,” with many calling it “the best free technical training on the World Wide Web.”
Access to PlantWeb University is through www.PlantWebUniversity.com , where a listing of all courses, including the new wireless technology courses, can be found. New visitors can register and select courses of greatest interest.
About Emerson Process Management
Emerson Process Management, an Emerson business, is a leader in helping businesses automate their production, processing and distribution in the chemical, oil and gas, refining, pulp & paper, power, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and other industries. The company combines superior products and technology with industry-specific engineering, consulting, and project management, and maintenance services to help customers achieve the potential of their operations. Emerson brands include: PlantWeb, Fisher, Rosemount, Micro Motion, Daniel, DeltaV, Ovation, and AMS Suite.
作為艾默生集團的業務之一,艾默生過程管理為工業生產、加工、分銷提供自動化服務,應用在化工、石油天然氣、精煉、紙漿和造紙、能源、食品飲料、醫藥等領域。艾默生過程管理將先進的產品和技術結合在為不同工業而設計的工程、咨詢、項目管理和維護服務中。艾默生過程管理旗下的品牌有:PlantWeb, Micro Motion, Fisher, Rosemount, Mobrey, Daniel, Bristol, DeltaV, Ovation, 以及 AMS 套件。
About Emerson
Emerson (NYSE:EMR), based in St. Louis, is a global leader in bringing technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions to customers through its network power, process management, industrial automation, climate technologies, and appliance and tools businesses. Sales in fiscal 2006 were $20.1 billion.
總部位于圣路易斯市的艾默生是一家全球領先的公司,該公司將技術與工程相結合,在網絡能源、過程管理、工業自動化、環境優化技術及家電和工具等領域為客戶提供創新性的解決方案。公司在2006 財年的銷售額達201 億美元。